Вручение сертификата генеральному директору ЗАО «БЕЛТИМ СБ» Пастернаку К.А. директором РУП «БелГИМ», к.т.н. Гуревичем В.Л.

On December 2, 2020 an official ceremony was held to provide JSC "BELTIM SB", one of the key player in the safety market of the Republic of Belarus, with compliance certificate with the requirements of STB ISO/IEC 27001-2016. The certificate is registered in the register of the National Conformity Attestation System of the Republic of Belarus on November 30, 2020 at number nine.

The certificate was presented to the general director of JSC "BELTIM SB" Konstantin Pasternak by PhD. in Science, director of the RUE "Belarusian State Institute of Metrology" Valery Gurevich.

ISO/IEC 27001 specifies information security management system requirements to demonstrate the ability of a company to protect its information assets, which is the key to business success and ensures the safety of customer information. The company's receipt of a certificate of compliance with the requirements of the STB ISO/IEC 27001-2016 standard is a confirmation of the high quality of the services provided to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets of the clients of JSC “BELTIM SB”.

From the beginning of 2019 and throughout 2020, in order to optimize business processes within the company and passing through certification, information assets was updated, a risk assessment was carried out, the ISMS and information security policy of the company was detailed, additional measures to protect information were developed and implemented and training was carried out, monitoring of compliance with the established information security requirements was carried out on an ongoing basis.

The certificate confirms the compliance of the information security management system of JSC “BELTIM SB” with the highest requirements established by the ISO/IEC 27001 standard and modern challenges and threats to security and confidentiality of information.

Compliance certificate of STB ISO/IEC 27001-2016 requirement


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